Thursday, August 19, 2010


A blog post. Baby Cole is sleeping, so it’s the opportune moment for writing. Sleeping might be another option, but I should really do this instead.

Cole is now 8 weeks old, and is such an amazing little guy. He is growing like crazy and we go in next week for his 2 month check up. The last time we went in for a weight check, the nurse freaked out because he had gained so much weight. But he is just one healthy eater.

Aside from his excellent eating skills, he is becoming a skilled sleeper. He has two decent naps during the day, and is starting to sleep during the night. Mommy and Daddy have now had 4 nights of uninterrupted sleep and they have been pure bliss. Most nights he will only wake up once, maybe twice, and doesn’t fight when I put him back down. The trick…the blankie. He loves to grab it and curl it up close to his face. It freaks me out that he is going to suffocate, but it ends up falling down as he passes out for the night.


Cole is so alert, and has been from the day he arrived. He is always grinning and talking with us. I can’t wait to hear his little giggle. I know it’s coming. He is holding his head up quite well, and scoots around in a circle during tummy time. Its so funny to watch him follow my voice.

photo 3

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I love being a mommy, and love watching my husband with his little boy. We feel so blessed to have him in our little family. Every night I thank my Heavenly Father for such a wonderful gift. He brings so much joy to our lives and we love watching him grow!


  1. It's amazing how fast it happens! I miss you guys and that little one like crazy and can't wait 'til I get to see you guys again. I expect to see video up here, as well, when that giggle does emerge!

  2. He's so cute! Thank you for letting me hold him!!

  3. Happy to see you blogging! It was fun seeing you today, come up to Palo Alto anytime and I will show you around.

  4. I thank Heavenly Father for him every night, too! His Grandpa Doug was complaining that he hasn't seen him in a whole.... week..... and it's killing him! Thanks for the post!
